Samoyed as a Show Dog
There are 7 Groups of Dogs when showing...
1. Toys
2. Terriers
3. Gundogs
4. Hounds
5. Working Dogs
6. Utility
7. Non Sporting
The Samoyed falls into the Utility Group in Australia.
These are called the "all rounder" dogs.
Samoyed's, herd, hunt, protect and haul in their native homelands living with their nomadic, reindeer, reliant owners.
In other countries Samoyed's are in the Herding Group as this was their primary purpose, and it is therefore very important that they are well built, fit and agile, able to jump ravines, have short sharp bursts of speed to chase off predators, and have that inbred instinct to herd.
My dogs adore going to the shows, yips of delight when they see me getting out the trailer. (their own personal caravan)
The following is the Breed Standard that we, as breeders, try determinedly to adhere to.
Our Judges study this and choose the dogs that they think conform best to this standard.
It is important that they display their outgoing personality, beautiful coat, proud stance and effortless movement to the Judges. I get so much pleasure out of seeing beautiful dogs I have bred in the ring.
The SAMOYED Breed Standard.
Updated 21 / 5 / 2009
Group |
Group 6 ( Utility Dogs ) |
The Samoyed, being essentially a working dog, should be strong and graceful and as his work lies in cold climates his coat should be heavy and weather resistant.
He should not be long in back as weak back would make him practically useless for his legitimate work; but at the same time a cobby back such as a Chows would also place him at a disadvantage as a draught dog. Breeders should aim for a happy medium, with a body not long, but muscular, allowing liberty, with a deep chest and well sprung ribs, strong neck proudly arched, straight front and exceptionally strong loins.
Both dogs and bitches should give the appearance of being capable of great endurance, but should be free from any coarseness. A full grown dog should stand about about 53.5 cm.(21 inches) at the shoulder. On account of depth of chest required the legs should be moderately long; a short legged dog is to be deprecated. Hindquarters should be particularly well developed, stifles well angulated, and any sign of unsound stifles or cow hocks severely penalized. |
Characteristics |
The Samoyed is intelligent,alert, full of action, and above all displaying affection to all mankind. |
Head and Skull |
Head powerful and wedge shaped with a broad, flat skull, muzzle of medium length, a tapering fore face not too sharply defined. Lips black. Hair short and smooth before. Nose black for preference but may be brown or flesh coloured the ears. Strong jaws.
Eyes |
Almond shaped, medium to dark brown in colour, set well apart with alert and intelligent expression. Eye rims should be black and unbroken.
Ears |
Thick, not too long and slightly rounded at the tips, set well apart and well covered inside with hair. The ears should be erect in a full grown dog.
Mouth |
Upper teeth should just overlap the under teeth in a scissor bite. |
Neck |
Proudly arched. |
Forequarters |
Legs straight and muscular with good bone. |
Body |
Back medium in length, broad and very muscular. Chest broad and deep ribs well sprung, giving plenty of heart and lung room. |
Feet |
Long, flattish, slightly spread out. Soles well cushioned with hair. |
Tail |
Long and profuse, carried over the back when alert; sometimes dropped at rest. |
Movement |
Should move freely with a strong agile drive showing power and elegance. |
Coat |
The body should be covered with a thick, close, soft and short undercoat, with harsh hair growing through it, forming the outer coat, which should stand straight away from the body and be free from curl. |
Color |
Pure white, white and biscuit or cream. |
Size |
Males 51-56 cm's (20-22 inches) at the shoulder
Females 46-51 cm's (18-20inches) at the shoulder.
Weight in proportion to size. |
Any departure from the foregoing should be considered a fault and seriousness should be regarded in proportion to the degree, and the effect upon health and well being of the dog. |
Severe unprovoked aggressiveness. Long fore face.
Blue or very light eyes.
Big ears with little feathering.
Drop ears, narrow between the ears.
A bull neck. A long body.
Slack tail carriage; it should be carried well over the back though it may be down at rest.
Round or cat-like feet
A soft coat; a wavy coat; absence of undercoat.
Absence of feathering.
Black or black spots.
Any sign of unsound movement.
N.B. Males should have 2 apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. |

Ch. Aldonza Diorissimo
(co-owned with Margie Johnson. Tasmania)
My Introduction to Aldonza Samoyeds
by Margie Johnson.
Having owned and shown Samoyeds for a few years I made my first trip to the Sydney Royal Easter Show where I was overwhelmed by the number of Samoyeds being shown.
I had only taken one dog of my own so it was possible for me observe all the other Samoyeds being shown.
As a relatively new exhibitor naturally I thought my dog was the best (as we all do) until a lady, who I later found out was Fay Tucker, entered the ring with her beautiful dogs.
To say I was absolutely "blown away" does not even begin to describe how I felt. I knew instantly this was the kind of Samoyed I wanted to own and show.
This was confirmed to me at the NSW Samoyed Championship Show in the same year, where I saw these beautiful dogs winning not only Best in Show but Runner-up in Show as well.
Anyone who reads this and knows me will not believe that back in those days I was a very shy person. I tentively introduced myself to Fay and congratulated her one her wins and her gorgeous dogs.
Back home in Tasmania I struggled in the show ring mainly I think because I kept remembering the lovely Aldonza Samoyeds I had seen in Sydney.I could not get them out of my mind. One night I plucked up enough courage to ring Fay and ask to buy one of her dogs. After a very long conversation Fay said she may have a male available for me. Knowing in my heart I didn’t care if this dog had 2 heads he was the one for me. A short time later my first Aldonza dog, Aldonza That’s Him ( Hooch) arrived.
Hooch produced for me a wonderful girl (Mytaj Miss Nakita) who went on to be my first home grown Champion, and in turn she produced some lovely babies combined with Fay’s Ch Aldonza Kistas Kid.
Now I felt I was part of the Aldonza family and over the years have forged a wonderful friendship with Fay.
On one of my many trips to visit Fay I walked into Fay’s puppy room to look at a litter she had . Laying in the box was my idea of heaven. An absolutely beautiful boy who I knew immediately was what I had been wanting all my life. I begged Fay "please can I have this one ?" She eventually agreed and a few weeks later she sent me my beautiful Aldonza Light of My Life (Flash) who did turn out to be the true "light of my life" and my soul mate and much adored companion.
Flash became an Australian Grand Champion and a New Zealand Champion. We had many wonderful times together. Over the years Flash produced many Champions including a New Zealand Grand Champion (Zaminka Flash Light). Sadly Flash has gone Doggy Heaven but he certainly left his mark on the Samoyed World and left a big void in my heart.
Fay has been so generous over the years giving me many beautiful Samoyeds to share, show and love.
Others included are Ch Aldonza the Kids A Riot, Ch Aldonza Diorrissimo (Chien), Ch. Aldonza My Eyes Dior You (Cee Cee) and even more importantly in 2009, Chien's glorious son Ch Aldonza Goodonya Mr Gucci (Ugo).Ugo's sire is a top Samoyed in Denmark bred by the world famous Cabarka kennel.
I feel honoured to be part of "The Aldonza Family" and also to be called a friend of Fay’s.
Margie Johnson.
Cambridge, Tasmania |
